
A Summer in Japan: Packing for 3 Months

Miliko Notebook featuring my July Calendar

After a whirlwind time at home catching up with family + pets, friends, and sleep, it’s now time for me to embark on my Japan adventures ! I will have my first 4-wheeled suitcases in tow; stuffed with “business casual” wear (ick) and lots of  omiyage (local presents for friends abroad). My backpack is also full, but this one houses my new best friend and passion: a Nikon D3400! I have been so excited learning how to use this camera and I cannot wait to start snapping some abroad pictures.

Other noteworthy items include:

  • Miliko A5 dot notebook– for daily journaling, list keeping, sketches, observation taking*, and more. (pictured above)
  • Color set of Stabilo pens– minimal bleeding, popping colors, and thin to carry on long journeys
  • The Nightingale- one of my reads for the looooong plane ride. Part of my goal to joy-read more.
  • Trident Tropical Twist gum- my favorite gum. Something to remind me of home and keep the ear drums equalized.

In a few hours I am off to the airport for my 1:40 am flight. Hoping for safe and speedy travels! Next post will be abroad 🙂

Wondering what to pack to move indefinitely to Japan and what life is like studying abroad? Check out these blog posts!

1 thought on “A Summer in Japan: Packing for 3 Months”

  1. I’m going to MISS you but am very excited to hear all about your adventures. Japan your third* time around will be a charm!

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